
Sin-Ho Jung, PhD


Sin-Ho Jung, PhD

Lead Bio-Statistician

Dr. Jung is a biostatistician with a balanced experience in collaboration with cancer investigators and methodological research. He has been collaborating on cancer studies for over 30 years in the cooperative cancer trial group setting (NCCTG, ACOSOG, CALGB, Alliance) as well as within an NCI – designated cancer center setting (Mayo Cancer Center, Indiana University Cancer Center and Duke Cancer Institute). His collaboration with cancer research has ranged widely from basic lab studies, translational studies, cancer control, as well as clinical trials. The products of his work were published in peer-reviewed medical journals. He was a faculty statistician in charge of the lymphoma and cancer prevention committees for the Alliance cooperative group until a few years ago, and he served as a member of the Lymphoma Steering Committee for CTEP. He also served as Director of Biostatistics for the Core of Cancer Center in Indiana University, Acting Director of Biostatistics for the Core of Duke Cancer Institute, and the Founding Director of Biostatistics and Epidemiology Center for Samsung Medical Center. Some of his recent research interests are in design and analysis of clustered randomization trials, bioinformatics for the design and analysis of high throughput projects, design of cancer clinical trials, and analysis of health utilizing big data.